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When preparing a layette for a baby, it is worth taking into account even the smallest accessories – one of them is a hairbrush for a newborn, which you can find in the offer of our online store below.

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Natural goat hair was used to make this type of products. It is perfect because of its softness – it prevents irritation when combing the child’s delicate scalp. This product is available in both a relaxing and special version – intended to combat cradle cap.

Taking care of the full comfort of the youngest, we have prepared this type of accessories so that their use also ensures a pleasant massage and thus relaxes your child. The baby hairbrush is additionally equipped with a beech wood frame. Thanks to this, it is durable and can be used for many years. It is successfully used for combing both sparse and thick scalp hair in newborns. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the entire assortment and place orders!

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