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One of the most interesting baby products in our assortment are bamboo diapers. What exactly distinguishes this type of fabric from others? First of all, it has anti-allergic, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

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Secondly, it absorbs moisture perfectly and dries very quickly, so after washing it can be used again very quickly. Thirdly, one of the greatest advantages of these products is the fact that they guarantee optimal thermal comfort. They keep you warm on cold days and provide adequate ventilation on hot days. All articles available in the presented assortment are of the highest quality. The fabric from which they are made is Oeko-Tex®Standard100 certified.
Aesthetics are also worth mentioning. Our bamboo diapers, as one of the few on the market, are decorated with original, exceptionally beautiful graphics. They are also 100% biodegradable, so using them is an expression of concern for the natural environment. In addition, they absorb moisture more effectively than cotton equivalents, thus better protecting your baby’s skin against chafing and the development of inflammation of delicate skin.
Our offer includes a wide selection of bamboo diapers in various designs and sizes. What is very important, we sell them at competitive prices, so we encourage you to place orders now. If you have any additional questions regarding the assortment, please contact us!

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