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Finishing the walls is one of the key issues in the context of arranging a child’s room. Visually, they should harmonize with other decorations, creating a coherent, pleasant interior design. Our wide range includes, among others, fleece wallpaper for children.


This durable material works even perfectly in this case – it is easy to clean and gives a lot of opportunities to personalize its appearance. Thanks to this, we can offer a wide selection of interesting designs. In addition to fairy tale motifs, the offer also includes, among others, patterns referring to nature.
We made sure that each infant wallpaper is safe for the baby. In addition, interlining strips of material are quite thick, which allows you to cover with them unevenness on the walls. At the same time, using it allows you to finish the walls very quickly. So, we encourage you to get acquainted with the patterns available in our assortment of articles of this type, which are ideal, for example, in the rooms of infants, but also used by older children.

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