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Purchasing a variety of baby items as a gift, for example, for a newly-minted parent, is an excellent idea. However, it is worth giving such people the opportunity to customize them to avoid the situation when a product that simply turns out to be unnecessary is given as a surprise. For this reason, we have introduced a printable gift card.



It is available in different variants – it differs in the amount that can be spent on purchases in the Amumu store. The person gifted with it can, on his own, select useful items for his child at a given time. What is worth adding, each gift card is a nice gift in itself, as it looks very beautiful thanks to its interesting graphics. It can be given, for example, to parents celebrating their birthday or name day with their child, but it will also be a perfect gift for a popular baby shower. The time to use the voucher is up to six months, so its owner will be able to think calmly and complete the order that will be paid with it.




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